
Working closely with you to ensure you pay the minimum tax...

As tax advisers based in Glasgow, our objective is to work closely with you to ensure you pay the minimum tax required by law. We will help you to understand the tax implications of your actions, in order that you can plan ahead and conduct your affairs in a tax efficient way.

Business & Corporate Tax

Let us relieve you of the burden of complying with tax legislation and help you minimise your corporation tax payments. We deal with all business tax matters, including preparing income tax and corporation tax computations . We'll also prepare and submit all the relevant self-assessment returns.

Personal Tax (including sole traders and partnerships)

We specialise in taxation planning, aimed at minimising your future tax liabilities. In addition to providing the normal compliance services such as Self Assessment Returns, we can offer advice on: Inheritance Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Benefits in Kind, Employee Pay Schemes and the use of Trusts.

Property Capital Gains Tax

You may have to pay tax on the ‘profit’ made when you sell a property which is not your main residence. This could be a buy-to-let property, inherited property or perhaps a holiday home. You must file a Property Capital Gains Tax Return with HMRC and pay any tax due within 60 days of the property sale. We have specialist accountants who will help you prepare the relevant computations and file the return. We will also ensure that any deductions are made and allowances claimed to ensure you pay the correct tax.


We provide a cost effective VAT service and work with a wide variety of businesses, providing varying levels of support from general advice to VAT return completion. We have helped many of our clients to reduce VAT assessments and minimise their VAT liabilities. We specialise in providing assistance to organisations and businesses such as opticians and golf clubs where partial exemption issues arise.

HMRC Investigations and Enquiries

Anyone who has ever been the subject of a tax investigation by the HMRC knows that it can be a stressful and worrying experience. We have a wealth of experience in dealing with HMRC investigations of all kinds.  If you are about to be the subject of an investigation, we can provide expert help and support.

Tax Protection

With the increased risk of tax investigations we believe there is significant value in subscribing to our  professional fee protection service. This will protect you and your business from unexpected accountancy costs which in the event of an investigation could be substantial.

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